How to Book
Discovery Call
To see if we are a good fit and determine which collection works best for you and your needs. We'll answer any questions you might have about our process, services, and pricing.
2. Booking
Both a signed contract and a 50% non-refundable deposit or a retainer is required to schedule your session on our calendar and start the planning process. This ensures your date is secured and we can begin preparations.
3. Planning
Once you’re booked, we’ll schedule your planning consultation. We really enjoy this part of the process, and we think you will too. We’ll discuss your session date, clothing and outfits, location, goals, ideas, and when to schedule your makeup appointment with one of the top MUAs in the country! We can also provide tips and recommendations to help you prepare for the shoot.
4. Shoot!
We go out and create something amazing for you and your brand. You’ll see yourself in a new light. It is definitely a level up! Our team will guide you through poses and setups to ensure the best results.
5. Editing and Viewing
After capturing your photos and video, we’ll edit and process your content within 2-3 weeks. We take great care in post-production to ensure every detail is perfect. Once ready, we will walk you through a viewing session, either in-person or virtually, where you can select your favorite shots and discuss any final adjustments.